• infobot@lakesoffire.org

Lakes of Fire’s awesomeness inevitably draws curious thrill seekers without tickets. Un-ticketed participants (aka gatecrashers or interlopers) are a direct threat to LoF’s continued efforts to grow as a community and provide a safe environment for ticketed participants. In an effort to keep our boundaries secure, the Department of Perimeter Ninjas have been summoned!

We call passionate LOFers to service to protect the perimeter boundaries. Perimeter Ninjas are responsible for monitoring the event boundary during the peak hours of the event, and communicating with Shift Leads, department leads and Rangers in the event of gatecrashers.

Your primary role is to act as the eyes of our event, and to report back suspicious activity to your Shift Lead.

Additionally, Perimeter watches out for ticketed (wristbanded) participants accidentally meandering beyond the event boundary, and are often the first participants to observe or interact with Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) that arrive on site. Level heads, professionalism, good communication and observation skills and sobriety are necessary traits needed to solidify our ranks.

Does Perimeter Ninjas sound like the place for you? Email: PNinjas@lakesoffire.org, sign up, and help protect our borders!