Department | Description | Needs |
ARTHUB | On–site at Lakes of Fire, ArtHub is located at Nexus. This department facilitates new and returning artists as well as a hub for information about art. Off–site, we operate year round, kicking into high gear from February to July to make sure that artist placement applications are processed and art–i–facts are catalogued. WHAT THE ArtHub DOES * Assist you on–site with your art and help you through the subsequent placement process. * Give you support and guidance during the event maneuvering with various departments * Keep records on the art that has been and will be, so participants can be inspired again and again. * Promote community and art. WHAT THE ArtHub DOES NOT * We don’t tell you what you should create. * We don’t rate, rank or wrangle your artwork | On-site art aficionados needed! Artists who are displaying at the event or are part of the honoraria are given preference. Daytime shifts during event mainly. |
DMV | The Department of Mutant Vehicles keeps things moving with the Org golf cart fleet, Mobility HeadQuarters, and registering Mutant Vehicles is what we do. DMV@LAKESOFFIRE.ORG | Find our DMV volunteer shifts here: |
Mobility | If you have mobility issues for any reason whatsoever, we’re looking to help you. If you want to help your fellow community members, we invite you to volunteer with us. MOBILITY@LAKESOFFIRE.ORG | Find our Mobility volunteer shifts here: |
Thinking about where to volunteer this year? Like working with your hands, and getting dirty? Interested in working pre-event, or post-event, or both? DPW works hard, plays hard, then works hard some more. As our community grows, the DPW, Department of Public Works, must grow with it. What does the DPW do for LoF? We are stewards of the event grounds for starters, transportation of infrastructure to/from the event site. We assist other departments in setting up their infrastructure on an as needed basis, when it’s requested by a team lead. DPW can also be found assisting artist crews, using heavy equipment and hand tools to spread/remove sand for/from burn platforms for the effigy, as well as other art pieces to be burned. We are some of the first to show up, and usually the last to leave. We work closely with LNT to make sure the event site is as clean (if not better) as when we arrived. We maintain roads, mark lanes, and change things up when weather throws us a curve. We’re looking for people of various skill sets and backgrounds, from master carpenters, to folks who might be pounding their first T–stake, to people who just like to cook for their friends, with the major focus being on pre and post event operations. While the DPW can be found throughout the event taking care of business, the tasks we may find ourselves doing are generally on the spot corrections, and could be literally just about anything that has to do with keeping Lakes of Fire running smoothly, from replacing solar lights placed in areas that perhaps don’t see as much sun, to redirecting traffic after a storm. Our “shifts” during will vary greatly compared to other departments, as some tasks may not be on a schedule, so most crew members working during the event be on call, meaning it’s not time to get wasted until 5pm(power tools and booze don’t mix). Pre and Post DPW will likely be found doing the standard “Ocho” (8 hour work day), with a break for lunch. DPW will also be conducting open work weekends for those who want to be involved but can’t make a commitment to be on site with us early or post event. On these work weekends we paint signs, make lamp posts, and scheme up other various additions to the LoF infrastructure. DPW@LAKESOFFIRE.ORG |
DPW selects volunteers based on certain criteria; there is no sign up. Email DPW with questions. |
EFFIGY | Effigy Effigy Effigy! Help build the Effigy. Be cool. Swing a hammer. Do fine craftsmanship with a chain saw. Learn how to count to ten on your fingers at the end of each day (to make sure they are still there) All types of skill levels accepted. Carpenters, painters, cooks, decorators, laborers, FFL holders, pyromaniacs, cleaner uppers, and more are needed and welcome to join the build team.EFFIGY@LAKESOFFIRE.ORG | Pre-event build, event guards, and event perimeter on burn night are ALWAYS high need. |
FAST | You like fire?…silly question! You play and perform with fire?..better question! You know how to or want to learn to do it safely–then join our team!. Flame Effects Operators are a fiery tradition that entertains the crowd during the event or before the immolation of the Effigy.. If you are knowledgeable about Fire Sculptures, Poofers, Other Flame Effects and would like to help us make the event safe– please sign up! Would you like to perform with fire or help to make sure others are safe while spinning? Then please sign up to get HOT with us. FAST@LAKESOFFIRE.ORG | CONCLAVE@LAKESOFFIRE.ORG | Training required for Flame Effect operators, but any able body willing to learn can be taught. Event on-site shifts at night are what they mainly need to fill, especially on burn night. |
GATE | Be a GATE KEEPER! First contact to participants entering the event. Collect and process tickets, verify I.D.s, attach wristbands and be warmly inquisitive. Be a part of the ‘Last Bastion’ to help safeguard our citizens. GATE@LAKESOFFIRE.ORG | On-site event opportunites abound. |
GREETERS | Join our Greeters team and help welcome our citizens to our event! The Greeters provide a fun filled experience as well as provide information to create an accepting environment for our participants to begin their time here. Come and play with us! | Event work and some exodus work is needed. |
INFO-BOT | Team Info–bot’s fun, year–round duty is to educate Great Lakes area burners about attending Lakes of Fire: what to expect, how to be prepared, and how to participate to their heart’s desire. We strive to convert burners from around the area (and around the world) into happy ticketholders who come ready to enact the 10+1 Principles of Burning Man to their fullest. This means maintaining the website, being a conduit of information for our community, speaking for G.L.E.A. Inc., and ensuring that Great Lakes–area burners come ready to safely participate maximally, as volunteers, as artists, as co–ordinators, and as community members and co–creators. Experience with HTML, promotions, mass email programs, web design, copy editing, or writing is always helpful for Info–bots. People skills are a big plus too. | Infobot volunteers has pre-event needs as well as on-site volunteers. If you want to flex your tech or communication skills email for more info. |
LEAVE NO TRACE | Our MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) brigade helps to educate and remind our event participants that LNT is an ongoing job! There are so many ways to leave space better than when we got here– join our team of creative MOOPers to spread knowledge and create a lasting environment around us! |
On site SO MUCH. Every day. Seriously, every freaking day they do education AND a MOOP parade. Also, post-event resto is always high need. |
ESD | Medical requires volunteers to be medically trained. Discipline examples include EMS/Fire, Hospital personnel (ER Techs, Nurses or Doctors), National Ski Patrol and Lifeguards are also suitable for the Medical Team. Others trained in Advanced First Aid/Medical first Responder along with CPR are also welcome. While those with actual patient care experience are preferred, the Medical Team will utilize those without such experience, paring them with more experienced partners as a way to gain experience and groom returning volunteers. |
Pre-event, event, and post event are always needed. They may not have money. But what they do have are a very particular set of skills, skills they have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make them a nightmare for injuries and illnesses. |
PARKING | Arguably the rowdiest of stations… We maintain a quick clean and organized flow of traffic in and out of the event, placement of vehicles for easy access with minor to moderate harassment… Oh, and we have a bar! | Event opportunities: we has them |
PLACEMENT | Like telling people where to go? Be a Placement Station volunteer! The Placement Corps are the keepers of the map of the event. After an orientation, Volunteers advise incoming participants how to find open camping, loud or quiet camping and where the secret portos are hidden! Placement Station volunteers also help communicate updates on available camping space and weather calamities as they develop. (To sign your own camp up for placement visit | Even opportunities are limited; only a few people are needed on site beyond the team leads. |
Lakes of Fire’s awesomeness inevitably draws curious thrill seekers without tickets. Gatecrashers are a direct threat to LoF’s continued efforts to grow as a community and provide a safe environment for ticketed participants. In response to an increase in Gatecrashing incidents, the Department of Perimeter Ninja’s (PN’s) have been summoned! We call passionate LoFers to service in protecting the perimeter boundaries. The liabilities surrounding this role are higher than any other we’ve previously encountered. PN’s may have to interact with LEO’s, Board Members, or unruly gatecrashers or participants. Level heads, professionalism, respect, compassion, and sobriety are necessary character traits needed to solidify our ranks. Conflict is also a possibility. Keeping emotions in check, sticking to the facts while still maintaining autonomy is of the utmost importance! Does DPN sound like the place for you? Email, sign up, and help protect our borders! |
Event, event, event, 8pm to sun-up, they need bodies, on burn night as much as any other. |
Rangers are participants who volunteer their time to act as guardians of the event. We are LoF’s mobile “Eyes & Ears”. As such, Rangers are often a First Responder in emergency situations and can call in additional resources via radio as necessary. We roam the event helping others to solve their own problems, mediating disputes as they may arise, and ensuring the “relative” safety of all participants. Rangers can be found at all hours walking throughout the grounds interacting with others while making sure to enjoy themselves as well. If you can “keep your cool” in a variety of situations, love to help, and enjoy maintaining the status quo – then sign up to be a LoF Ranger! All Ranger Volunteers must participate in a training session. There will be 1 pre–event training in Chicago, 1 pre–event training in/near Detroit, and 1 on–site training Thursday morning, 10AM – 1 PM. |
Training is required; one trainings session is offered on site. Pre-event, event, and post-event Rangers are in high demand always, especially on burn night. |
SOUND SQUAD | Sound squad works with participants to establish a harmonious balance between the LOUD and the SERENE. We provide sound camps with information on how to best raise a ruckus without disturbing the communities inside and outside of Lakes of Fire. | On site night during the event, especially burn night, is always in demand. |
VOLUNTEER DREAM TEAM | Lakes of Fire is a 100% volunteer-run event and the Volunteer Dream Team exists to help folks help the event. We point them to volunteer openings, facilitate event-wide volunteer community needs and shower them with love and appreciation! If you’re interested in supporting or helping appreciate our volunteers during the event, please consider spending some time with the Volunteer Dream Team! | Enthusiastic volunteers needed for on-site shifts to support and appreciate our amazing volunteer community. |