• infobot@lakesoffire.org




Large Vehicle Entry Closes at Sunset

If you are entering Lakes of Fire with a vehicle larger than a Sprinter van, you MUST BE THROUGH THE GATE before sunset (9:35 PM Eastern Standard Time). Our Gate volunteers need to be able to look at and into your vehicle exhaustively before you are allowed to enter, and the Placement team will not place you at your campsite in the dark. And, because you may think of it: YOU CAN’T STAY OVERNIGHT OUTSIDE THE GATE. Absolutely no overnight parking on our property without getting through Gate first.

If you risk arriving later than 8:45 PM, we strongly recommend you make a contingency plan. Search online, find a nearby place with overnight parking (like a campsite) and be prepared to stay there overnight. Many highway rest stops in Michigan are open 24 hours. In those situations, it is legal to park your vehicle there overnight. Follow posted signs and respect the local ordinances; it’s your responsibility to know them.

Gate Hours 2024

Below are the times you may follow the gate procedure to enter Lakes of Fire.  Attempting to enter or leave outside these times ain’t right nor proper, which is to say, don’t try.

Lakes of Fire is a “No Re-Entry” event; once you’re in, there is no back-and-forthing through the gate.  See Gate Rules for emergency exceptions.

10:00 AM EST – 11:59 PM EST – EARLY ENTRY TICKETS ONLY. Your ticket will show the earliest date you can enter the event.

10:00 AM EST – 11:59 PM EST. GATE CLOSES at midnight.

10:00 AM EST – 11:59 PM EST. GATE CLOSES at midnight.

10:00 AM EST – 10:00 PM EST. GATE CLOSES at 10:00 PM Eastern.

10:00 A.M. – 4:00 PM –  GATE CLOSES at 4:00 PM Eastern.
Participants only! No spectators, please. Arrive by 4:00 PM to participate in Lakes of Fire.

10:00 A.M. – 3:00 PM – (Exodus only)
All participants except for organizers, DPW, and LNT must be off the property by 3:00 P.M.

Stop 1: Traffic Control

As you pull onto Gate Road, turn on your hazard lights and slow to 5 MPH. Be ready to stop and put your vehicle in Park, approximately 100 feet off the road. Welcome – you are now at Traffic Control.  Our Traffic Controller (TC) volunteers will ask you if you have everything you need. Once you have reached Traffic Control, there is no reentry.

You’ll be assigned to one of three lanes based on your vehicle and the presence or absence of a trailer. Remain in your assigned lane at all times unless directed/escorted into D-Lot.

Once you are in a lane, a TC volunteer will direct you to your next stop.  Do not go faster than 5 MPH.

Stop 2: Nosey Neighbors

Just like at stop 1, approach stop 2 and then place your vehicle in park. Our Nosey Neighbor volunteers are going to ask you some questions about what you’re bringing into Lakes of Fire.  They will inspect your vehicle inside and out, as well as inside your trailer if you have one. You may refuse to allow our Nosey Neighbors to search your vehicle(s). They will park you in D-Lot until a Operations Manager can speak with you.

Our Nosey Neighbors are going to reach into places, check your trunk, side boxes, closets, under your bed, your middle console and anywhere else you might hide a person or a prohibited item. You’re going to probably have to move some stuff around for them depending on how you’ve packed.

If they find someone hiding, you’ll be escorted to D-lot to wait for a Operations Manager to come have a conversation with you. Operations Manager will process ticket revocation for all persons in your vehicle and ask you to leave the property.  To reiterate: Gate does not turn away people; Gate turns away vehicles.

Assuming you pass our Nosey Neighbors, they’re going to send you down to your last Gate stop, stop 3.

Stop 3: Wristbands

At stop 3, place your vehicle in park and let your foot off the brake. Our volunteers will not approach your vehicle until your vehicle is in park. In the event you have a manual transmission, turn your engine off and place it in gear as per usual.

A Ticket Processor will need to see the valid IDs for all the adults in your vehicle to verify that all individuals have a ticket. Once tickets are verified the Ticket Processor will place a wristband on your right wrist, unless there is a medical reason that it needs to be placed elsewhere. They’ll then send you down to the lovely folks at Parking, who will give you some lovely snark and a timestamp on your vehicle.

If there is any reason you are uncomfortable with the Ticket Processor, please keep in mind this is a volunteer position and they are doing the best they can. If you have questions regarding using your unexpired, government issued photo ID and your privacy, you can ask to speak to the on-shift Operations Manager.

If you have applied for a vehicle permit from DMV and have an approval email, tell your Ticket Processor Volunteer. 

We super appreciate your patience and working with us to make checking in at Gate a safe smooth operation!


Gate stop sign - Photo: Skennedy


      • You must have ID.  This is your valid, non-expired, government-issued photo ID must match your name and birthdate.

      • There will be absolutely no ticket sales at the Gate … as in zero.

      • Participants under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

      • All parents and guardians were required to register each minor when they accepted a ticket on Volunteeripate.  This means you are required to complete this online, in advance.

      • Participants at Lakes of Fire who are 21 years and up will receive a wristband identifying them as such. You may not gift alcohol to those under 21!

      • Please remain in your vehicle to help us get you in safely and quickly.

      • All vehicles are subject to search.

      • Firewood (except sold by the landowner) is not allowed.

      • Fireworks, weapons, glass, illegal substances, handheld lasers, and trampolines are not allowed.

      • No pets are permitted into Lakes Of Fire.

      • No emotional support animals are permitted into Lakes Of Fire. Great Lakes Experimental Arts follows the service animal definition set forth by the ADA; please see our ADA Liaison page for more.

      • At Gate you must report the sound equipment you have with you, even boom–boxes.

      • Exit and re-entry, i.e., “ins and outs”, are only allowed in cases of emergency. If you must leave the event early, your wristband will be removed at the Gate and you will not be allowed re-entry.

      • In case of emergency, re-entry will be allowed on a case-by-case basis and you will be allowed to keep your wristband on and to re-enter the event.

    Once you are past the Gate, stretch your legs, get out, and hug a Greeter. They know everything!


    Be a GATE KEEPER! First contact to participants entering the event. Collect and process tickets, verify I.D.s, attach wristbands and be warmly inquisitive. Be a part of the ‘Last Bastion’ to help safeguard our citizens.