Rangers are participants who volunteer their time to act as guardians of the event. We are LoF’s mobile “Eyes & Ears”. As such, Rangers are often the first to respond in emergency situations and can call in additional resources via radio as necessary. We roam the event helping others to solve their own problems, mediating disputes as they may arise, and ensuring the “relative” safety of all participants. Rangers can be found at all hours walking throughout the grounds interacting with others while making sure to enjoy themselves as well.
Like every year, we do require all new and returning Rangers to complete at least one Ranger training. This year, in addition to our in-person trainings, for folks who can’t make it into town or fit it into their schedules, we’re offering a full online Ranger training through Volunteeripate.
We do encourage you to attend an in-person training, especially if you’re new to Rangering but we’re also realistic that those aren’t always accessible to folks.
Regardless of the training you choose, you’ll still have to answer the quiz questions through Volunteeripate in order to gain access to the Ranger schedule for 2025. As always, if you have questions please reach out to rangers@lakesoffire.org
Detroit – Dirt Ranger
Chicago – Dirt Ranger
Lucky Lake (Safety Weekend) – Dirt Ranger, Khaki, Emerald Ranger
Lucky Lake (Lakes of Fire) – Dirt Ranger
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to rangers@lakesoffire.org for general ranger questions or emerald_rangers@lakesoffire.org for questions pertaining to Emerald rangers.