• infobot@lakesoffire.org


Lakes of Fire’s Need Based Ticket (NBT) program allows a participant to receive a discount when purchasing volunteer and general tickets. We will offer ticket discounts for attendees who meet the program criteria.  The discounted price may depend on the number of NBT requests received.  Awarded NBT discounts are automatically applied to your checkout price on Volunteeripate.



All participants must:

  • Register an account with Volunteeripate. You must have an account to purchase a ticket and receive a NBT discount.
  • Fill out the Need Based Ticket Application after it opens. The link is also on the Key Dates and Forms page. You will have until March 9th at 11:59PM ET to complete the application. This form closes early to ensure that volunteers who qualify for ticket offers before the general sale may also make use of this program.
  • Join the ticket lottery on Volunteeripate or verify that you will receive a volunteer ticket offer.  
  • NBT participants must still receive a ticket offer through the Volunteeripate ticket system. Requesting a NBT discount does not provide your ticket offer.
  • We will notify all applicants after the application window closes.


The NBT discount is available to anyone currently experiencing a significant financial need. A significant financial need is a level of income and resources that would make it substantially difficult or impossible to participate in LOF without the assistance of a reduced price ticket.   We do not have a specific income cap, and no longer require financial information, as we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all measure of a person’s economic situation.  We offer this general guideline: if you buy your clothes new, eat out at sit-down and be served restaurants more than 1-2 times a month, and go on vacations that involve air travel and hotels, we request that you reconsider applying for a NBT discount.  The more applications we receive, the smaller the individual assistance we can provide to our community.  We trust our community to only apply if there is significant financial need, whatever that may mean to you.

If you have questions, please email tickets@lakesoffire.org