Lakes of Fire Temple

Open Call Out for 2025 Temple
Since our return to Lucky Lake in 2022, Lakes of Fire has been proud to host a Temple. For many, the Temple is the spiritual center of the Burning Man experience: a place to seek solace and which holds sacred space. A sanctuary for all, Temple stands in contrast to the revelrous and sometimes cacophonous atmosphere of the burn. Allowing for moments of quiet reflection where we can process grief, honor those we’ve lost, witness the humanity of our fellow denizens, or simply allow ourselves to release and accept that which is, Temple is there to provide what each participant needs. To experience Temple is to engage with something both uniquely individual and comfortably communal. Temple opens a blank slate and closes covered with offerings of community: photos, inscriptions, and mementos. The catharsis of Temple is concluded as it burns in silence early Sunday morning.
We’re looking for the right souls to step in and build this vital art piece. Building a Temple is more than a construction of materials; it constitutes a construction of the heart. We invite those who are called to submit proposals for review.
Build Requirements:
- The Temple has a maximum size: 8 feet in any direction (length, width, height)
- The Temple is to be built with no metal, only wood. Wood glue and natural rope can be used. Rebar stakes can be used at the bottom to create a stable structure but that is it.
- We encourage an opening for humans to go into the Temple, we request that the opening be at least 36 inches wide.
- LOF requires that all pieces that are slated to burn at LOF adhere to our Burning Art Restrictions.
Proposal Requests:
- The more details your proposal has the better
- Submissions that incorporate the event theme are encouraged and appreciated
When does it need to arrive onsite:
We request that, if possible, The Temple is installed before the gates open on Wednesday. There will be early arrival access for the Temple Build Crew.
There is no power at the Temple location site. All lighting has to be solar-powered and provided by the temple build team. A lot goes a long way. 2024’s temple was stunning with 3 solar-powered lights.
Burn Plan:
We have this part covered. We will ask that you light your piece, which we will support you in doing. Krueger, Liz, and ESD will handle the burning of the piece. Including the perimeter staffing.
LNT plan:
We have the plan, we will teach you, you need to provide the human power. It’s about 4 hours of work on Sunday for 4 people.
The Temple has a $1,700 budget. This budget includes transportation, building materials, lighting, pens, and anything else that is needed.
Please reach out to with your ideas, proposals or questions.
Temple Submission deadline is March 12th, 11:59pm CST.
Please send submission to