• infobot@lakesoffire.org

Code of Conduct

To submit a report, please fill out the  Code of Conduct Report form.

For questions and inquiries about a report that has been filed, please contact the Code of Conduct Committee via email at: LofConduct@gmail.com

To learn about how our Code of Conduct applies to our how we moderate our official social media, please read our Decommodification and Social Media page.

This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participant behavior both at the event and in the year round Burning Man community that exists beyond the event.

The Lakes of Fire (LOF) event, sponsored by Great Lakes Experimental Arts, Inc. (GLEA) expects attendees and volunteers to create and maintain a space that is welcoming for all ticketed attendees.  We do not discriminate on gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, or religion.

We are guided by the Burning Man 10 Principles.  When in conflict with other participants, we use FLAMEFind out, Listen, Analyze, Mediate, Explain.

Participation in this community and event is open to all ticketed attendees; however, continued attendance can be revoked if a participant fails to respect other attendees or behaves in a way that endangers themselves, the event, or the broader community.

Stance Against Hate Speech, Hate Symbols, and Discrimination

Any content that promotes hatred or violence against any individuals or groups based on specified protected identities will require assessment by the Organization. Hate symbols, speech, as well as any other emblem displayed with the intention to interfere with our dedication to Inclusion for all, will not be welcome at Lakes of Fire. Protected identities include, but are not limited to: race, ethnicity, nationality, age, socioeconomic status, class, disability, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or citizen status. In the event that the safety of any participant is in jeopardy the Board retains the ability to bypass procedural steps to safeguard the welfare of any involved parties.

Expected behavior includes, but is not limited to:

      • Consent has the support of our whole community. You are obligated to get someone’s consent in a sexual context, in a situation involving video or photography, or in any situation affecting the experience of another person at Lakes of Fire.

      • Be considerate and respectful of fellow participants and the community around the event.

      • Refrain from non-consensual demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior.

      • Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participant’s safety.

    Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to:

        • Predatory behavior, defined as any unwanted and non-consensual form of the following: intimidation, harassment, stalking, verbal or physical abuse, violence against people or other’s property.

        • Non-consensual physical contact, including unwelcome sexual interaction.

        • Abuse or neglect of GLEA or LOF property, physical or otherwise, such as vandalism, theft of event property, abusing the ticketing process, or impersonating a lead or event organizers.

        • Disrespecting the community surrounding the event such as dumping trash in local dumpsters, trespassing, or repeated violations of the event’s sound ordinance.

        • Wanton, flagrant, or repeated disregard for one’s own safety or well-being in a manner that demands the intervention of other participants, community members, volunteers or outside agencies, such as intervention by local law enforcement or fire department staff.

        • Repeated or egregious violations of any and all policies put in effect by event organizers.

      Consequences of unacceptable behavior:

      Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated.  This includes expressions of this behavior at the event as well as pre- or post-event via phone, social media, or face to face communication.

      Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

      If a participant engages in unacceptable behaviors, the event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate to ensure the safety of the event and its participants.  This action may include expulsion from the event without refund, revoking tickets, or removing a volunteer from their shift.

      If a participant’s behavior is found to be predatory, an expulsion for the present or following years may be instituted.  There may be an opportunity to appeal and show progress towards the resolution of these issues after the following year’s event.

      GLEA or individuals may pursue potential legal action.

      What to do if you witness or are subjected to unacceptable behavior:

      If you are subjected to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subjected to it, or have any other concerns:

          • First, speak up. Ask the person to stop. Say no.  

          • If you feel unsafe, leave the situation.  

          • If you feel uncomfortable but the person’s behavior does not cross a line, step away from the situation.

          • If you need help, ask for it. If someone asks you for help, do your best to help or find someone who can.

          • Report your concerns to a Ranger, ESD volunteer, or GLEA Board Member; these individuals are prepared to assist participants and listen to your concerns. All reports will remain confidential.  

          • If you would like to call in law enforcement or need professional medical treatment, LOF will support you in taking that action.

          • Finally, if you have reports after the event, report them to our Code of Conduct Committee (see below).  All reports will remain confidential.

        If you are interested in knowing how our Code of Conduct process works after submitting a report, you can look at this infographic we have created.