
Hello community,
We’re in the home stretch. The Effigy Crew is looking for some spectacular humans who can help get the Effigy home. Every extra pair of hands we get on these next three dates will make the Effigy better, safer, and more excellent for everyone. Here are the details!
We will have a impromptu Friday build day on Friday June 30th. Just show up and let us put you to work! Email us for the address. We will be putting the finishing details on the build this day.
Next up, this weekend (July 1-3) is TEAR DOWN! We are looking for as many humans as possible to assist with taking the Effigy apart and getting it prepped for packing the truck. Just make sure you get there – there will be lots to do. Email us for the address.
And finally, our fearless Effigy leader, Hanna, and her team will be working their booties off on Wednesday July 5th to get the effigy packed on the truck and ready to head home. We will again take as many hands as we can find – so don’t be shy!
The build weekends are all in Flushing, MI. One more time – email Katie at to get the full address.
Thank you, and hope to see you there!