• infobot@lakesoffire.org
Lakes Letter- July 9th, 2024

Lakes Letter- July 9th, 2024

LoF Needs Your to Help Fill Critical Shifts

Lakes of Fire need your help! Calling for Burn Night Volunteers!!

Some critical volunteer shifts, which are needed for the safety of the event, need to be filled!!  

In order to Burn safely, we are looking for volunteers to fill these critical shifts on Friday-to-Saturday night and Saturday-to-Sunday night, within ESD, Rangers, and Radios. These critical shifts are absolutely vital to making our event run without an issue.

Additionally, some of these shifts are weighted to grant more hours than what is worked. Some shifts may require additional training or further qualifications:

• For ESD, please take the online ICS 100 course. Some positions require further qualifications. Please email esd@lakesoffire.org for more information.

• For Rangers, an onsite training is on Thursday, July 18 at 12 pm  EST. Please email rangers@lakesoffire.org for more information.

• For Radios, please email radios@lakesoffire.org for more information.

Public GLEA Board Meeting

When: Jul 10, 2024 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: GLEA Public Board Meeting
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Even Burners Get the Blues

Yes, you can be lonely at a burn!
Feelings of loneliness can happen when you least expect them, whether you are camping with a theme camp full of your friends or in open camping by yourself. This is not uncommon, but it can be uncomfortable.  There are things you can do to help ease that feeling should you find yourself experiencing this while at Lakes of Fire this year. 
Self Treatment
  • Recognize that it is a normal feeling
  • Ensure that your basic needs are met, you have drank water, slept, ate something, and taken any prescribed medication
  • Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people in a low-pressure way.  Come to the FunctionJunction to sign up or see what might be available
  • Attend an event, class, or just dance! Check out the digital WWW to find out what is happening, or go to the Nexus, where amazing classes will be held all weekend long. 
Get Help
  • Emerald Rangers- any ranger can help you get in touch with the Emerald Rangers.  They are trained rangers who can provide emotional support from a friendly point of view. 
  • Medical/CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) – If you feel like you need more than a friendly face you can go to the ESD(Emergency Service Department) tent, or have someone help you get there. Our trained team of professionals can help you find your center again or help you get additional support outside of the burn if necessary. 
Feelings of loneliness can come out of the blue, catch you unaware, and make you feel unprepared in a place full of people.  Take time each day to check in with yourself and understand what you are feeling and reach out if you need help.  We are here to help keep you safe and help you experience the burn in the best way you can. 

New Burner Virtual Orientation

Are you a new burner but have missed all of the orientations so far?  Well you are in luck.  Join us for this all virtal event on Thursday, July 11, 2024.  Things will get kicked off at 6:30pm EST

Michigan Regional Burning Man rep and big-time fancy burn artist Joshua Diedrich (Thor) will talk about the Ten Principles of the Burning Man culture, and offer some tips on packing and outfitting for the trip to survive the inhospitable yet fun Black Rock desert. He will be joined by Lakes of Fire Info_Bots who will give you some specifics to have the best burn you can have at LoF.

Zoom link

What, Where, When: How?

There will be no printed copies for individuals and limited printed copies for theme camps of the WWW on site this year, but you can print your own copy at home before or after the event. 

The digital WWW is accessible on site without an internet connection.  You can sort by type of event, day, and get access to important links like the Survival Guide.  If you want a walk through of how to use the application check out the website page.  

If you are just looking for a printable copy of the map you can find several versions in this google drive. 

Welcome Home: First Stop Gate

Please check Volunteeripate under “your account” tab to see the earliest you can be onsite.  Do not show up before this time because you don’t want to be sad when you drive all the way to Gate and get turned away because you are too early. 

A few things to remember: 

    • All members in your car must have the same early entry date.  We turn cars away not people. 
    • Make sure to pull up your volunteeripate QR code and have your unexpired government issued ID ready. 
    • If you are coming in with a vehicle bigger than a sprinter van be sure to be in line prior to 8:45 pm EST in order to ensure you can get through gate before dark.  You will not be allowed to drive to enter the event, drive to your site, or park after sunset. 


For more information on Gate check out the website. 

10:00 AM EST – 11:59 PM EST – EARLY ENTRY TICKETS ONLY. Your ticket will show the earliest date you can enter the event.

10:00 AM EST – 11:59 PM EST. GATE CLOSES at midnight.

10:00 AM EST – 11:59 PM EST. GATE CLOSES at midnight.

10:00 AM EST – 10:00 PM EST. GATE CLOSES at 10:00 PM Eastern.

10:00 A.M. – 4:00 PM –  GATE CLOSES at 4:00 PM Eastern.
Participants only! No spectators, please. Arrive by 4:00 PM to participate in Lakes of Fire.

10:00 A.M. – 3:00 PM – (Exodus only)
All participants except for organizers, DPW, and LNT must be off the property by 3:00 P.M.

What Can ESD Do For You?

Lakes of Fire has our own Emergency Service Department, but it isn’t the same as what you find in the default world.  They are here to help, they are trained professionals, but they are not the same as an ER. 

To make sure you are prepared for Lakes of Fire pack all of your medications, over the counter meds that you think you might need, and a fully stocked first aid kit.  To learn more about what ESD can and can not do for you check out the new page on the website.   

What Makes Water Grey?

What is greywater? We’re glad you asked! The term “greywater” refers to wastewater that does not contain fecal contamination (think toilet water). While camping, greywater is produced from dishwashing, bathing, handwashing, washing clothing, and in limited cases from water-related theme camp activities. “Black water” is wastewater that contains human waste (i.e., #2, not #1). Greywater should be treated with care because it can cause potential damage to the environment and its natural inhabitants (plants & animals). Also, greywater is a pollutant that can damage the natural beauty of the campsite and make it difficult for other campers to camp comfortably. Food debris also attracts wildlife. Properly managing greywater is a great way to avoid uninvited visitors. 

Fortunately, as greywater contains fewer pathogens than black water, it is generally safer to handle and easier to treat and dispose of. Please note- water left over from art projects (example: screen printing or painting) is NOT greywater, even if the materials used are labeled “Earth friendly” or “biodegradable.” If you generate waste water of this kind, you must pack it out as you would do any other type of MOOP.

There are sophisticated tools, techniques, and equipment that can be used to deal with water waste. You may consider those should you feel inclined, but they are not required for Lakes of FIre (if you are doing “typical” day-to-day activities with your water). The following guidelines are recommended for basic greywater waste disposal at Lucky Lake: 

1- Use plant-based, organic, and unscented soap, detergent, and personal hygiene products.
2- Use a spatula to scrape food off of plates before washing them.
3- Use a separate container for washing and rinsing dishes.
4- Lucky Lake has lovely shower stalls with plenty of hot water. To be on the safe side, those are preferable to homemade bathing situations 
5- Use a fine mesh cloth to strain dishwashing tubs (pro-tip: pantyhose or tshirt material works really well). Dispose of the food debris in your garbage bin, then put your water in a leak proof container and pack it out with you.  

All Sound, All the Time: Not Exactly

We all love our sound camps and all the amazing music that they bring to keep us dancing most of the night.  However, there comes a time when things need to turn down and some of us like to pretend to try to sleep.  If you want to know what those times are check out the Sound Policy section in the Survival Guide.  

If you find that your neighbors have forgot to turn down their party there is an easy way to inform the Sound Department of your forgetful neighbors.  The form and drop box will be located at the Ranger HQ for easy access to everyone and will be checked regularly throughout the day, by the Sound department. 

Don't Forget to Bring Some $$

Lakes of Fire runs on a gifting economy with the exception of a few things. So this is your reminder to bring cash with you to the event.
The land owner provides firewood, ice, and RV dumping. 
  • Firewood-$5 a bundle
  • Ice-$12 for 20lb bag
  • RV dumping-$20 available during exodus

Upon exiting you will see dumpsters along the road as you leave the property near Gate.  Here you can drop your bags of trash so you don’t have to take it home with you.  These dumpsters are for TRASH BAGS only.  You may not dispose of furniture, structures, or any other items that don’t fit inside of a trash bag.  Remember you can not dump your trash at local businesses or rest areas. 

Trash- $5 per bag

Nexus Schedule

ArtHub has some amazing programming this year!  Hope you find time in your schedule to check it out. 

12-2: Wire Art 
3-5: Tie Dye
10-12: Insects as Art
12-2: Henna
3-5: Leather and Limericks
12-2: Tie Dye
3-5: Wire Art
10-12 Leather and Limericks
12-2 Henna
3-5 Insects as Art

Screen Printing

Hey Lakes of Fire Community!

Exciting news from the ArtHub! We’re thrilled to announce that screen printing is back for the second year in a row with plastisol based ink! Alongside screen printing, we’ll also be offering tie-dye at Nexus this year!

Here are the deets:

    • Cotton or Plant Based Fibers are King: For the best results, bring your own cotton/non synthetic garments for both screen printing and tie-dye. Trust us, you’ll love the outcome!
    • Screen Printing: We’ll be using white ink only again this year, so plan your designs accordingly. The flash dryer gets pretty hot, so avoid super thin or synthetic fibers to keep your creations looking fab.
    • Location & Hours: We’re making it easier than ever to join in the fun. Screen printing will be available from 10 AM to 10 PM for maximum accessibility. And heads up, this activity won’t be at Nexus this year; you’ll find us next to Still Bayou on site 53.


ArtHub Academy: We’re super excited to introduce ArtHub Academy at Nexus! We’ll have a tie-dye presenter, a copper wire art presenter, a henna artist, leather crafting with Limerick, and Insects as Art offering amazing workshops. Dive into the world of vibrant dyes, beautiful crystal creations, stunning henna designs, creative leather working, and the fascinating art of insects.

🚫 Important Reminder: Washing out your tie-dyed garments in the lake is strictly forbidden. Doing so will result in tie-dye not returning next year. Please help us keep our community and environment clean.

For specific times and more info on all activities, check out your What Where When guide.

Get ready to unleash your creativity and make some unforgettable art. See you soon! 

Greeters' Annual Food Drive

The Lakes of Fire Greeters are excited to announce their upcoming annual food drive!

We kindly ask attendees to consider bringing along non-perishable food items, such as canned or boxed goods that are not expired. Your contributions will make a meaningful impact. If you find yourself with excess food that you are willing to donate, we encourage you to drop it off at the greeters’ tent on Sunday as you depart from the event. Thank you for your generosity and support!

Pennisula Closing Saturday at 10am

When can I visit the Effigy and Temple?  I heard that they close the area on Saturday, and I don’t want to miss out!

  • The Effigy and Temple are open to participants from Gate opening on Wednesday until 10AM SATURDAY MORNING.   At that time, access to the peninsula, the Temple, and the Effigy will be closed to prepare for Burn Night.  
  • For everyone’s safety, no one who is not part of the prep crew or an event volunteer designated to be in the area will be allowed past the established perimeter.  There will be volunteers on hand who can receive an offering and make sure it goes into the Effigy, if you have not made it there before that time.
  • Peninsula and Temple access will resume once the Effigy burn perimeter is dropped and it is safe to do so.  
  • Temple closes at 7am on Sunday morning to prepare for burning, and the burn will begin at 8am. 

Can I put something in the effigy to be burned on Saturday night? 

Yes – but it has to meet our requirements for burnable items (found here). The artists will be designating an area for these items that will not interfere with the burn plan or the structure, and your volunteer docents on site can assist you.  If you have questions about an item you would like to burn, please reach out to effigy@lakesoffire.org.

 Can I put something in the temple to be burned on Sunday morning?

Also yes – see above about restrictions.  We request nothing with any metal is placed inside the temple, as the structure is made solely of wood with no fasteners and is intended to be fully burnable.

What if I leave something that can’t be burned?

We will remove it before the burn occurs.  Please be respectful of the prohibited materials list, and only leave items that can safely be part of the burning. 

I have a different question!Please email temple@lakesoffire.org for questions related to the Temple, and effigy@lakesoffire.org for anything related to the Effigy.

POC Cookout

This is a Safe Space.

This is a Brave Space.


Join us for this opportunity as burners of color, and our allies, to enjoy, nurture, and contribute to this Brave Space.  For 5 years the annual POC Cookout has endeavored to inspire, encourage the curious, share personal stories, and challenge people of color to step into the unknown spaces where we are few, by sharing yummy food, fun times and dope sets.   By the way, do you happen to like music?  All kinds of music???  If so, we’re adding something a little new this year.  Get prepped for our Name That Tune game, from all manner of genres from Dusties to television theme songs.  It’ll be lit.  

Next share a coffee, some refreshments, and a chat as a pre-comp to Burn Night.  For the second year, the POC Coffee & Chat is where you can be your true self, cultivate deep connections, and lasting memories.   Be and feel SEEN as part of the Burner community with a panel of long time burners sharing their experiences while offering love and support to our POC community.  

We look forward to seeing you at both!  


    • POC Cookout @ San Escobar, Site 38, Friday the 19th, 1pm-4pm
    • POC Coffee & Chat also @ San Escobar, Site 38, Saturday morning the 20th, 11am-1pm

BYOB Lanyards

Are you one of amazing volunteers that have signed up for eight hours or more!  Awesome, thank you so much.  In addition to my eternal thanks you will also get an amazing lammie, a badge with theme art and your burner name, at your first shift.  To make sure that you get to show off your cool swag make sure to bring your favorite lanyard.  

If your lammie has a mistake on it please head over to the FunctionJunction and go to the Volunteer Dream team table and they can help fix it for you. 

Spark Scouts

Do you have a little burner that you are bringing along?  Have you heard about Spark Scouts?  This is a community organized program to help teach our youngest participants the importance of the Ten Principals through participating in different activities throughout the burn.  

The schedule is printed on the back of the tri-fold maps that will be available onsite. 

KC7Thursday July 18th 11am-1pmMermaid Merrymaking! Paint a cookie, paint your mermaid face, or give your best mermaid impression to earn a badge!
Kidsville KE1Thursday July 18th 12:30pmTake a ride around the event on our Mobility Shuttles! We will meet you at Kidsville for a ride around the event, ending at Kidsville again. Hear about how our Mobility program promotes Radical Inclusion at Lakes of Fire.
Kidsville KE1Thursday July 18th 1pmYouth-led Terrarium workshop
Kidsville KE1Thursday and Friday July 17th & 18th 5:30pmShare and Tell potluck dinner and Sparks Scout gathering
Kidsville KE1Thursday July 18 10amHold a mock “Leads Meeting” where children discuss and propose solutions to issues they care about
NexusFriday July 19th 10amKids MOOP Scavenger Hunt (Youth-led activity)
North BeachFriday July 19th 9pmFriday night at North Beach, FAST will be setting up a burn platform (extra sand on the already sandy beach) that will be the showcase location of the Wee-Effigy Project. The Wee-Effigy Project is open for up close learning about how we safely burn at Lakes.
Greeter StationSaturday July 19th 10am-12pmLearn and be a Greeter for a little while
Kidsville KE1Sunday July 20th AMSpark Scouts will collect food for the food drive run by Greeters. They will pull wagons around to camps looking for contributions and then return to Kidsville for drop off.
site 126anytimeWe can do one of two things, we can have some kids behind the scenes to see what goes into running a food-related theme camp or help serve pancakes to the masses—or both. Older kids (with parent’s permission) can even help cook the pancakes. Perks include first dibs of pancakes. Can provide a patch or sticker as their badge.
site 1anytime🤷🏽‍♀️, helping set up tents…put up lights…play all the games…that one sounds like the most fun, 🤩 but you can pick it
The GhettoanytimeMOOP patrol, small DPW oriented tasks such as, stacking wood, building, hiw to use tools, etc.
Find the roaming ice cream cart!anytimeLive the principal of Gifting by helping us hand out some ice cream
Key Hole KW8anytimeFind your flow state! Learn the four stages of flow and try a new prop from our prop library. Flowing with a prop is our favorite form of radical self-expression. It’s okay if you’ve never touched a prop before! Flow arts is for everyone! (Radical Inclusion) If no one is around, follow the directions in our prop library next to the flow circle. You have consent to play with our props. Just please put them back how you found them. (Leave no trace) Have fun!
sites 47-49anytimeVisit our incredible ESD team to share gratitude for the amazing volunteers who help keep us safe!


If you love the info you get from the newsletter but want a bit more snark you can join our Facebook page.  Info_Bot is now on TikTok.  If you hate to have all the details of the Lakes letter and just want the tldr then check us out.    

It is nearly here, the thing we wait for all year.  The planning, the arting, the building, the packing, and all of the Lakes Letters.  I look forward to seeing you around the lake.  Just remember Info_Bot is there at the FunctionJunction to answer your questions onsite.  




