Lakes Letter- June 11th, 2024

Newbie Orientation Saturday June 22nd in Chicago
Are you attending Lakes of Fire for the first time? Maybe it’s your first burn of any kind? Do you have questions about Lakes of Fire, Burning Man or Burning Man culture? Have you been to many burns and have some stories to share? Are you looking for a theme camp to join? Are you a theme camp looking for members? Are you an artist that needs volunteers to get your project to Lakes or the Big Burn?
Have no fear! Lakes of Fire Orientation will be held in Chicago on Saturday June 22nd in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood. Start time 3 p.m. Orientation will be held at Fatpour Tap Works 2005 W. Division St. 60622. Come get educated and acculturated. Meet fellow first timers as well as seasoned veterans and discover more about Lakes of Fire, the big Burn and the 10 principles of Burning Man.
2024 Conclave & Fire Dancers at Lakes Of Fire
Any Fire Artist is welcome to come perform in LAKES OF FIRE 2024: IMAGINARIUM AQUARIUM! “Conclave” is the group fire performance done prior to lighting the Effigy on Saturday evening.
Our conclave group will perform together in front of the Effigy and all of our Lakes Of Fire community. It is our pleasure of warming up the night for the festivities to come!
All skill levels are welcome! Come join the fun and shake your fire booty with us. If you are interested you must fill out this form.
→→ All Conclave performers are required to attend one Lakes of Fire FAST “Fire Arts Safety Training” course. *
* Unless you attended a FAST meeting last year in 2023.
Fire Safety Trainings are held on Thursday and Friday at 2PM AT EFFIGY. **
** You will only need to go to one of these trainings.
Fire Safety Trainings will be at EFFIGY THIS YEAR. **
** You must attend at least one Fire Safety Meeting (Or have attended the meeting in 2023)
→→ We are doing Conclave rehearsals on Thursday and Friday at 3PM at Effigy.
** These are not mandatory but we encourage you to come to at least one if you are able.
(NOT MANDATORY) Conclave Rehearsals –
July 18, Thursday || 3PM at Effigy
June 19, Friday || 3PM at Effigy
MANDATORY Conclave Rehearsal –
July 20, Saturday || 6PM at Effigy prepared for Conclave *
* You must checked in by 6:30PM or you will not be able to participate
Pre Event Build Shifts
Hi LOF Community! Your friendly neighborhood Effigy department with some news.
We will not be offering any pre event effigy build shifts this year. The artist team for this build is a group of experienced builders and burners who have coordinated over multiple states and managed to complete most of the build in two short weekends together. We appreciate that so many of you have reached out and offered your time, energy, labor, and knowledge to help with the build this year – and we understand that some of you may be disappointed. The Span of the Imagination is an incredible work of effigy art, and we cannot wait to bring it home and share it with all of you. And burn it to the ground!
2024 Honorariums now have their own website page!
Lakes of Fire and Art Hub are excited to announce a new page dedicated to showcasing the honorarium grants we have awarded this year!
Check out our Honorariums 2024 page.
Each year, we will create a new page to showcase and document the honorariums. The page will give insight into the featured art and the amount awarded from our grant pool to each art piece. After the event, we will update this page with a picture of each piece, so be sure to come back to check it out and reminisce!
Early Entry Information
Only two types of participants are granted Early Entry to the event. The two types of participants are:
- Participants who hold a shift before the event starts your entry date will be the day before the date of your shift.
- Theme camp members
Please see your Volunteeripate account to see when you are granted access. This can be seen on the “your account” page.
Early Entry for Volunteers:
If you are volunteering for a shift before the event starts Volunteeripate automatically designates you early entry,
Early Entry for Theme Camps:
Lakes of Fire officially opens to all participants on Wednesday, July 17th, but Theme Camps are invited to enter on Tuesday, July 16th for set up. Theme Camps have been designated as either Small, Medium, or Large, and Theme Camp Leads have been assigned roles in Volunteeripate based on their expected population.
In Volunteeripate, under Menu, you’ll see an Early Entry button where you’ll enter the Volunteeripate E-mail address of your campers wanting to arrive on Tuesday.
Small Theme Camps can add up to 19 campers, Medium Theme Camps can add 20 – 39 campers, and Large Theme Camps can add up to 50 campers for Tuesday Entry.
Please note: You must enter the Volunteeripate E-mail associated with your camper in order to give them Tuesday entry. Failure to enter the correct E-mail address at best will cause delays at Gate and at worst Tuesday entry will be denied.
If you or your camper are Volunteering pre-event, they will be granted Early Entry from their Volunteer departments.
As a friendly reminder- Early entry is a privilege and not a party. Folks are expected to work, and we have strict sound requirements. Camps abusing this privilege may not be granted early entry in the future.
We look forward to seeing you in the Imaginarium Aquarium!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact tickets@lakesoffire.org.
RV and Large Vehicle information
If you plan on bringing an RV to lakes of fire please be aware:
- RVs and large vehicles, anything bigger than a sprinter van, are not permitted to be driven in the event after dark, so please plan to arrive before dusk.
- If there is excessive rain that is causing the ground to become too soft RV’s (and potentially all vehicles) will not be allowed to drive on the roads to prevent damage to the land.
- There are designated spots in open camping areas
Thank you for your understanding and corporation!
Waivers for Volunteer Shifts
If you are volunteering for a department that requires a use of a radio or a golf cart you must first fill out and submit your waivers on Volunteeirpate Waivers page.
These shifts will not be visable to you until your waivers have been signed.
Greeter's Food Drive
The Lakes of Fire Greeters are excited to announce their upcoming annual food drive!
We kindly ask attendees to consider bringing along non-perishable food items, such as canned or boxed goods that are not expired. Your contributions will make a meaningful impact. If you find yourself with excess food that you are willing to donate, we encourage you to drop it off at the greeters’ tent on Sunday as you depart from the event. Thank you for your generosity and support!
If you love the info you get from the newsletter but want a bit more snark you can join our Facebook page. Info_Bot is now on TikTok. If you hate to have all the details of the Lakes letter and just want the tldr then check us out.
We are less than 30 days from boots on the ground! Do you know where your art project is? Have you started packing? Have you read the survival guide? Or are you just gonna wing it and hope for the best? I have my spreadsheets ready because it is go time!