As the ticketing team took a well deserved rest under a fluffy and shady tree, a great rumble occurred in the Garden of Wonder. Shifting their gaze to the centre of the garden, they observed a small and recently formed chasm. Michael’s contented smile turned into a confounded ponder. Moments later, a new sound started, quietly at first, but more pronounced as the time progressed. It was the gentle hopping noise made by hundreds of cute lil unclaimed lottery tickets as they started a march to the canyon. Raptor looked at him with a slight grin and said, “It’s almost time.”
Campy story aside, 40% of you haven’t purchased your lottery ticket offers. And your new-found luck is about to run out. Check your ticket offer for the exact time and date that it will lemming into the canyon… after it expires, it will be gone and whisked away to a new lottery participant. Seriously. Think of those poor ticket offers – they picked you! Save them today!
Everyone else – watch your emails starting on Monday. Offers will roll over to the next lottery round. Ticket offers are sent in batches over the course of a few days. We expect the next round of offers to be all delivered by the evening of Wednesday May 3rd.
Need to transfer your ticket? Sorry to hear that, and hang tight. On May 6th we will switch on the Volunteeripate ticket transfer page. Come back then and we’ll help you out.
Wanna talk to someone interested in your ticket? Check out the LOF Ticket Info & Exchange group on Facebook. It’s a great place to find someone with a ticket offer, or to post about your own.
Hey folks! Your friendly Placement Team had a retreat at Lucky Lake this weekend, along with our ArtHub friends, doing surveys and dreaming big dreams. The list of theme camps who have registered is looking a little lean, and since we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to get their ducks in rows, we are extending Theme Camp Registration deadline by a week.
All theme camp leads: Please have your Placement Registration complete by May 7. We love you all and can’t wait to see what you bring!
Nyki & Hambone