That’s right, a brand new website and it’s pretty cool you should check it out! https://lakesoffire.org/ The new website has tons of great information and helpful links. Do you need to fill out some forms to get you and your crew official with lakes? There’s a tab for that. Do you want to know the latest news that has come out in the lakes letters? There’s a tab for that. Have you been thinking about volunteering or understanding the lake’s leadership better? There’s a few tabs for that. It’s got all the information and links you could ever ask for so really go and check it out!
We value your feedback on the new site and if you find something that is broken or have other feedback for us you can submit it in this form.
Calling all artists of Lakes of Fire! Unleash your fiery vision and help shape the 2024 Imaginarium Aquarium with your original artwork! We’re seeking a captivating event logo and eye-catching sticker designs to set the scene for our aquatic exploration.
Dive deep into your creativity and submit designs in vector format or at 300DPI, ensuring a minimum size of 5000px by 5000px. Let your artwork illuminate the event spirit and be the souvenir everyone wants to grab!
Don’t hesitate to send your aquatic masterpieces to swag@lakesoffire.org and be part of the dazzling Lakes of Fire experience!
Are you ready kids?
I can’t hear you!
Who lives in a Mayo jar in an Imaginarium Aquarium?
Lakes of Fire Ticketing!
That’s right Burners, Raptor and I, (Michael Michael Sherwin Sherwin), are surfacing the ticketing timeline for Lakes of Fire 2024 Imaginarium Aquarium! Prepare to open the floodgates…
Beware the Ides of March! Volunteer tickets will go on sale 3/15/24, and you’ll have until 4/15/24 to purchase. Beware the Ides of Taxation!
Non-Volunteer tickets will go on sale 4/20/24. Beware the Ides of Weed!
- Gather your school of fish and plan your theme camp in the Imaginarium Aquarium! Create your own underwater realm and share your unique vision of the deep blue with fellow sea beings. Directed Theme Camp Ticket application is open, and you have until 3/8/24 to apply for Directed Theme Camp Tickets. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11nehjyiz71VtSZmLmz44MiyJFzqoi_CPPizktVeWkAA/edit
- Need-Based Ticket application is open, and you have until 3/8/24 to apply https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/1ZWEz7zyY5jXqDdkgLmEXNLaxGFQOHFTf6uM-MqjrnX4/edit?usp=drive_web
- We are looking for the 2024 Directed Theme Camp Jury, who will score and rank the applications. You will be awarded four (4) volunteer hours for your service, and you can’t score your own camp. Please apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UaO1MRotuhw1pgyecMt6owA-wEDAmCJ9oGjtQB76KCA/edit
Tickets will be sold through Volunteeripate once again, so if you’re an existing user, please double check your information and your volunteer hours from last year were recorded. If you’re a new user, please click Create Account https://volunteer.lakesoffire.org/. Only one account per burner, duplicate accounts will be deleted, and creating duplicate accounts to game tickets will be seen as a violation of our Code of Conduct.
Though the organization is faced with increased costs this year, the ticket price will remain at $180.00!
Are you ready to plunge into the unknown and explore the vast wonders of the Imaginarium Aquarium? Gear up, gather your crew, and join us for an expedition where the depths of human creativity and connection know no bounds.
For Questions, concerns, compliments, gratitudes, sonnets, and epic poems, please contact us at tickets@lakesoffire.org.
Who are Rangers? They are first-responders, on-shift as the eyes and ears of the event overall. GLEA depends on Rangers to arbitrate conversations using the FLAME technique. As one Ranger lead has said: “Rangers are ordinary community members who took a shift to be sober, carry a radio, and help out.”
Is there more to it than that? Absolutely. The full toolbox of Ranger skills help everyone have a better Burn. Interested? Good! Read the Rangers page and pick an in-person training event. In-person training takes about two hours. Afterward you can sign up for your first Ranger shift on volunteer.lakesoffire.org.
Training dates are:
In-person Training
Ranger training
- Detroit- Saturday May 18 @ 12EST
- Detroit- Sunday June 9 @ 12EST
- Chicago- Saturday May 4 @ 12CST
- Chicago- Sunday June 9 @ 12CST
- Luck Lake- TBD
- Lucky Lake- Thursday July 18 @ 12EST (Behind Ranger HQ)
Emerald Ranger training
Only experienced and returning Rangers may take this on-site training.
- Lucky Lake- TBD
Virtual Training
Only experienced and returning Rangers with at least 1+ year(s) of experience may take virtual training.
Virtual dirt ranger training
- Wednesday, May 15 @ 8EST/7CST
- Thursday, June 13 @ 8EST/7CST
Virtual Khaki Training
(required for all Khakis & Khaki Shadows & fulfills yearly training commitment)
- Wednesday, May 22 @ 8EST/7CST
- Thurs, June 6 @ 8EST/7CST
Virtual Emerald Training
(required for all Emeralds & fulfills yearly training requirements)
- Wednesday, May 29 @ 8EST/7CST
- Tuesday, June 25 @ 8EST/7CST
Virtual Burn Perimeter Training
(not a ranger training but for folks who sign up just for burn perimeter)
- Wednesday, June 26 @ 8EST/7CST
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to rangers@lakesoffire.org for general ranger questions or emerald_rangers@lakesoffire.org for questions pertaining to Emerald rangers.
The Aqua Safety role is a pivotal leadership position responsible for overseeing the Aqua Rangers team. This individual is responsible from start to finish for the water perimeter around the event’s effigy burn area. The role demands a unique blend of skills in leadership, operational planning, water safety, and communication. The Aqua Safety works closely with event leadership (FAST, Rangers, Effigy, ESD) and other teams to maintain a secure and efficient operation before, during, and after the event.
Key Qualifications
- Leadership and Team Management: Demonstrated ability to lead and inspire a team with strong organizational and delegation skills.
- Operational and Event Management: Experience in planning and executing setup and teardown operations for events, preferably with a focus on aquatic or outdoor settings.
- Water Safety Expertise: Proficiency in water safety practices and protocols, first aid, or similar qualifications is highly desirable.
- Communication Proficiency: Skilled with radios, particularly in environments where standard communication devices are not permitted.
- Problem-solving and Adaptability: Ability to quickly identify and address issues, adapt to changing circumstances, and make informed decisions under pressure.
- Event Experience: Previous experience in managing or volunteering in rangers or ESD, with an understanding of safety and logistical considerations.
For more information about aqua rangers, please visit
Have you ever wanted to volunteer for ESD but didnt know if you could?
We have two volunteer classifications for our FIre Team alone. Fire I and Fire II. We have spots available for both.
Fire I Team Members:
Are those who have completed the Lakes of Fire: Fire 101 class and the National Incident Management System (NMS) IS-100.c; Introduction to the Incident Command System. Both classes are free and easy to complete. First Aid & CPR certifications are also a big bonus.
Fire II Team Members:
Are individuals who hold firefighter certifications from the NFPA, a home state agency or Military.
Team members should be able to safely operate a golf cart as needed and lift 50Lbs.
We want to meet you. For more information, contact Joel “LoveRhino” Eastlund at loverhino@lakesoffire.org
2024 Temple Announcment
Open Call Out for 2024 Temple
Since our return to Lucky Lake in 2022, Lakes of Fire has been proud to host a Temple. For many, Temple is the spiritual center of the Burning Man experience: a place to seek solace and which holds sacred space. A sanctuary for all, Temple stands in contrast to the revelrous and sometimes cacophonous atmosphere of the burn. Allowing for moments of quiet reflection where we can process grief, honor those we’ve lost, witness the humanity of our fellow denizens, or simply allow ourselves to release and accept that which is, Temple is there to provide what each participant needs. To experience Temple is to engage with something both uniquely individual and comfortably communal. Temple opens a blank slate and closes covered with offerings of community: photos, inscriptions, mementos.The catharsis of Temple is concluded as it burns in silence early Sunday morning.
We’re looking for the right souls to step in and build this vital art piece. Building a Temple is more than a construction of materials; it constitutes a construction of the heart. We invite those who are called to submit proposals for review.
The Temple has a maximum size: 12 feet in any direction (length, width, height)
The Temple is to be built with no metal, only wood. Wood glue and natural rope is able to be used. Rebar stakes can be used at the bottom to create a stable structure but that is it.
LOF requires that all pieces that are slated to burn at LOF adhere to our Burning Art Restrictions.
The Temple has a $1,500 budget. This budget is to include transportation, building materials, lighting, pens and anything else that is needed.
Please reach out to temple@lakesoffire.org with your ideas, proposals or questions.
Temple Submission deadline is March 30th.
For additional information about the Temple and the history of its construction at TTITD: https://shorturl.at/cfSV8.
Release the Themes
The time has come to put on your thinking caps and get your clicking fingers ready because the voting for the possible 2025 theme starts now!
We poured over all of your submissions and weeded out anything that might get any major franchise knocking on our door. We combined ideas that were so similar that it was as if you were of one mind. What is left is a solid list of ideas that will spark your creativity.
You have until March 31, 2024 at 11:59 CST to get your votes on this form. The top 10 themes will then go off to the leads for a final decision to be announced after this year’s event.
This lakes letter marks the first of many with big changes and lots of information! Read it all to ensure you don’t miss a form or date! Make sure to log into volunteer.lakesoffire.org, dust off your hotpants, and stock up on your favorite condiments because July will be here before you know it!